If this is your first visit to da.Femme, a warm welcome to you and may you have a pleasant visit!
Dearest blogshop owners:
; If you have any latest updates, promotions or sales on your blog, please do email us at dafemme.x@gmail.com, we would love to review you! It is reckon to email us than to notify us through the chatbox.
; If you wish to be linked on our blogroll, please do link us before you send us an email. We do check :P
; Reviews are only done based on our time as we also have college, tests and assignments to deal with! But we are trying our very very best to update daily!
; We do not charge for reviews. :)
Dearest readers:
; If you're lost or don't know where to start with, we had categorized each items accordingly. Do click on the labels to look for em'.
; Click on older posts for past updates on our blog.
; Blogshops are written in bold and large in font size before apparel/accessories pictures. If you're interested, click on em'.
; We only review things that are up to my liking and interest. We do not post things that we don't like up here.
; Also, we only post up items that are available from the websites.
; Blogshop reviewed are only Malaysia based.
; Any comments, feedbacks or even critics towards da.Femme are most welcomed! We are not able to satisfy everyone but we are willing to change to become better.
Lastly, if you have any enquiry, email us at dafemme.x@gmail.com
Sorry for any inconveniences caused. Have an awesome day ahead!
To all readers/blogshop owners, our sincere apologies when we are not able to return your emails or update the blog. This is just something we do part time therefore we cannot afford to put it as our first priority as studies comes in the way as well. Please be understanding.
Love, da.Femme
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